One of the greatest flashes i've ever seen.
Really good idea, and very well executed. You took a lot of time to make loops and individual deaths for every person. You should have more scenario's if you're going to make a fifth one, because those are my favorites. These scenarios can lead to a shoot out or passing peacfully. The little clips you took of a dark voice like duke nuken or something were class A. The little acting parts were pretty funny. The best part was the high-five with the henchmen. The sniper part looked like a lot of fun, so that could've been a little longer. You should have full blown out missions with different scenarios. I have ideas that can improve the series in a whole way.
More then one person in first person interaction scenes. I know it'd be hard, because if you did three you'd have to make 9 different footage tapes, but it'd be a lot of fun.
More scenarios, because it's good to take a pause and think of what to do next. There were only two in this movie.
Several mission sequences, and some cutscenes. I mean as in connection the first person parts, and then something like this happens. Rescue hostages, they give you directions to the bad guy, the bad guy escapes, you fight a boss of some sort, then you get up to the bad guy. That's three different sequences that could be put in cutscenes that'd lead to a shootout or another mission part. If you want, you can contact me to get a bigger idea of what I mean at Christopherob9 at yahoo(urls aren't accepted).
The series it great, but with some new ideas and adding some length you can really evolve it and make it explode.